Fall Bouquet Subscription


Fall really is one of the best seasons for flowers! Dahlias are in full bloom as well as lots of interesting textures and colors. You’ll receive 4 weeks of beautiful, locally-grown flowers direct from our flower farm. Subscription features a large bouquet and will begin September 18th and run until October 9th. Pickup in store only. We do offer free delivery to Landsmeer Ridge, Prairie Ridge, and the Pioneer Home.

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Fall really is one of the best seasons for flowers! Dahlias are in full bloom as well as lots of interesting textures and colors. You’ll receive 4 weeks of beautiful, locally-grown flowers direct from our flower farm. Subscription features a large bouquet and will begin September 18th and run until October 9th. Pickup in store only. We do offer free delivery to Landsmeer Ridge, Prairie Ridge, and the Pioneer Home.

Fall really is one of the best seasons for flowers! Dahlias are in full bloom as well as lots of interesting textures and colors. You’ll receive 4 weeks of beautiful, locally-grown flowers direct from our flower farm. Subscription features a large bouquet and will begin September 18th and run until October 9th. Pickup in store only. We do offer free delivery to Landsmeer Ridge, Prairie Ridge, and the Pioneer Home.